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August 2021

”Exhibitions and the last part of the poem...."

As mentioned in my last Blog, I was embarking on getting work to the Mall Galleries in London, along with my colleagues in the SGFA. Fortunately for us on the appointed day, rain showers came later, otherwise I can’t imagine what state we and our work would have been in as we queued – at a safe distance of course – along Carlton House Terrace, delicately balancing our individual work, before negotiating the stairs to the back door.

It was an absolute joy to have this opportunity though of catching up with colleagues, as we hadn’t met for over eighteen months, and there was much to discuss.

The process of handing in, as always, was swift and efficient and we were away back into the Central London traffic in no time. Of course with London and other cities still nowhere near ‘open for business’ there was nothing to do but head for home and prepare to return a few days later to view the exhibition.

Although governed by the strict rules of social distancing, the exhibition was wonderful and very well received though sadly over all too soon. With over 340 framed works to view it really warranted more than one visit, but for me that was not possible. However, it was all worth the usual trials and tribulations of exhibiting - and now we move on to the next one.

I am very happy to be exhibiting again shortly in two separate exhibitions with the delightful contemporary space which is Babylon ARTS in Ely (see below for dates and details). The gallery is on the Waterfront and is a lovely contemporary space – well worth a visit to Ely.

As to courses, Summer School at Missenden Abbey, Great Missenden in Buckinghamshire is going ahead again this year and my courses are now full. A new Autumn programme is in the planning as I write, with an assortment of courses taking us through to the middle of 2022.

Meanwhile, I’ve been making the most of this ‘downtime’ and lifting my spirits by playing around with paint with some fun results. Enjoy the rest of your summer, and look out for my next installment during which I’ll reveal some new works.

                                   Jackie Devereux


Babylon ARTS Summer Open Exhibition 2021 –
Babylon Bridge, Waterside, Ely, CB7 4AU –
Thursday 5 August to Sunday 6 September, Tuesday to Sunday 12pm to 4pm

I shall also be exhibiting in Babylon Gallery as a Full Member of the SEAW (Society of East Anglian Watercolourists) during our Annual Open ‘Waterways’ on 3 – 26 September 2021 and will also be conducting a demonstration with ink and watercolour in the Gallery during the morning of Thursday 23 September.


Missenden Abbey Summer School, see
I’ll be there between 11 – 18 August running both Ink+Watercolour and pure Watercolour courses.

As yet, normal life has not yet resumed with regards to visiting art groups, but I am looking forward to some sort of normality when I’ll be ready to pick up the threads again.

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The last installment – for now, of The War of Words and Worse
by Stephen Cartmell.

The Final Battle

A buzz from the skies,
Brought looks of surprise,
As two aeroplanes climbed with a roar,
There was one for each side,
And they flew both with pride,
For the victor would win the Great War.

So, with only two left,
The battle was fought,
By two daring boys of great note,
It was Charles ‘Hotshot’ Higgins,
Agains James ‘Bullseye’ Biggins,
And both had a lump in their throat.

They flew at each other,
Like two raging bulls,
Then Higgins fired his first shot,
It hit Biggins’ wing,
With a whiz and a ping,
Which made Biggins feel quite a clot.

His pride was hurt,
Far more than his plane,
So he turned yet again to his foe,
With one burst of his gun,
He spoilt Higgins’ fun,
And dealt him a terrible blow.

Now Higgins and Biggins,
Were both in despair,
For their aircraft were starting to shudder,
They’d both had good hits
Higgins’ wing was in bits
And Biggins had lost half his rudder.

They were pilots of courage,
Daring and bold,
Of that there was simply no doubt,
But when engines go pop,
And come to a stop,
The pilots are forced to jump out.

As their parachutes billowed,
They kept up the fight,
Hurling insults and lots of rude words,
You must guess what they said,
As it’s better unread,
And really shouldn’t be heard.

The young cows in the field,
Watched them drop from the sky,
Straight into a mound of manure,
They were covered in muck,
Had run out of luck,
And the pong was hard to endure.

So holding their noses,
And with watering eyes,
They hardly believed what they saw,
Each had a fat belly,
And were both really smelly,
The reason they started the war.

The two boys shook hands,
Enough was enough,
A hot bath was all they desired,
So they ended the war,
Agreed to a draw,
And the two brave pilots retired.

Peace At Last

Higgins and Biggins,
Are now best of friends,
And live side by side near the sea,
They take country walks,
Have interesting talks,
And invite each other for tea.

They never fall out,
Or shout when they play,
All they own, they are happy to share,
No quarrels, no fights,
All they fly are their kites,
Just friends, lending toys without care.

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